Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Complete Streets Legislation

Tell Senator Boxer to make “complete streets” part of the new federal transportation bill! Senator Boxer heads the powerful Environment and Public Works Committee that is writing the federal transportation bill.

Complete Streets are needed to ensure that all users of the transportation system, including pedestrians, bicyclists, transit users, children, older individuals, and individuals with disabilities, are able to travel safely and conveniently on and across streets and highways.


Dave Pitman said...

Honorable Senator Boxer,

We share advocacy of Complete Streets policy. I appreciate your comments in 2006 at the Mobility 21 Annual Transportation Summit. My neighborhood association applied for and was awarded CDBG funding for construction of sidewalks on a route to the elementary school.

And my community leadership group has a transportation committee that advocates safety and access for all users of the transportation system. We are now pleased to see a Pedestrian Infrastructure Improvements project nearing completion in our community.

Seeing that the Complete Streets Act of 2009 is stalled, I hope the Complete Streets policy can become part of the new federal transportation bill.

David Pitman
Concord Park Neighborhood Association
Monument Community Transportation Action Team

Dave Pitman said...

Dear Mr. Pitman:

Thank you for contacting me to express your support for a federal transportation bill that provides better transportation options, decreases America's dependence on foreign oil, and helps to create communities where people can live, work, and play. I appreciate hearing from you, and I am working to develop a bill that achieves these worthy goals.

As Chairman of the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee, I am working with my colleagues to move forward with a transformational transportation authorization bill that will create jobs and build the infrastructure America needs for economic recovery and long-term prosperity.

I believe that federal transportation policy should help communities offer residents more viable transportation options including safe and efficient roads and highways, affordable and accessible public transit, and comprehensive infrastructure for bicyclists and pedestrians. We must promote energy efficiency and alternative fuels in order to decrease our dependence on fossil fuels, fight global warming, and create new clean energy jobs. And we should encourage smart growth through transit-oriented development and walkable communities.

As I continue working on the next transportation bill, be assured that I will keep your comments in mind.

Again, thank you for writing to me on this important issue. Please do not hesitate to contact me again about any issue of importance to you.

Barbara Boxer
United States Senator