Saturday, August 22, 2009

Meeting on August 20

Today's guests include Joni Carlson of the East Bay Bicycle Coalition , Cindy Dahlgren of the County Connection and Ray Kuzbari, Transportation Manager for the City of Concord. Joni is the official representative of the EBBC to our TAT. Ray hopes the Pedestrian Infrastructure Improvement Project will begin construction in the fall. Caltrans funding is allocated but not yet available.

Click for enlarged mapClick for enlarged mapJoni points out to Ray that in the Contra Costa Countywide Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan it has Monument Blvd as a bike route. Ray thinks this is a mistake, and he has submitted the city's Trails Master Plan to the CCTA. (I have reproduced portions of the two maps in the June 1 draft of the CBPP. The first map shows the proposed Monument Blvd bikeway by CCC in red and by MTC in light blue. The other map shows the existing Class III bike routes in orange on Sunshine Dr and Meadow Ln.)

Monument Community ShuttleCindy says the Route 8 bus has been advertised in many ways more than any other route. To get more people to ride Route 8, Luz and Hanna tried it. Also, the kids attending our meeting from the Youth and Volunteer Action Team have tried it. Laura-Jean says, "Route 8 is great!" People didn't know that Route 8 bus would come to your door. Call the day before to have it pick you up. (For your information, I have reproduced the Riders Guide / Guía del Viajero.) Cindy reminds us the funding quits in June 2010. We brainstormed ways for how Monument Blvd businesses could promote the Route 8 bus.