Sunday, November 28, 2010

Novemebr 18 Meeting

Monument Community Partnership
Meeting Minutes

Date: November 18, 2010
Time: 7:00 pm
Place: Keller House, 1760 Clayton Road, Concord, CA 94520
Facilitator: Mary Lou Laubscher

WELCOME: ROLL CALL: Eric Anaya, Stan Hansen, Dave Pitman, Mary Lou Laubscher, Wes Laubscher, Luz Palomera - Sierra, Catalina Wright,

* Our Park Trail Grant from State Park Funding was not approved, however the trail in a reduced form will still be built. Jeff Rogers, City engineer will resubmit the park grant proposal and to different funders.
* Keller House will be closed for holidays December 24th through January 4th, 2011.
* MCP Posada Celebration - December 18, 6:30 p.m., Frisbie Ct. Concord.
* Great safety improvements being completed on both Monument Blvd. and Clayton Rd.
* Kingdom Riders Motorcycle Group are interested in volunteering with MCP.
* Concord Police Department Traffic Bureau has been recognized for its traffic safety program by the California Office of Traffic Safety. It is one of 10 in the State so honored.
* The Iron Horse Corridor Commission Hearing on MCP "Buldge Garden" Project will be held February 2, 2011 at 4:30 p.m. at the Community Room at Brookview Park, 2100 Monument Blvd.
* The Housing Element Report of Concord's General Plan was approved by on the Council on November 16th. It includes progressive transportation elements.

Report from Ray Kuzbari, Concord Transportation Manager

Status Update on Phase 1 and 2 Trail Projects from Monument Blvd. to Market Street
* Anticipate starting design on both projects by January 2011 which will probably take 3 to 6 months to complete.
* Construction on both projects is anticipated to occur in 2012.

Monument Blvd. Corridor Streetscape Urban Design Study and Design Guidelines
* A traffic analysis is currently underway by a consultant to address the issues that came up during the July 2009 City Council study session.
* Not sure how soon the analysis will be completed, Staff doing all we can given our limited staffing resources.

Ray is interested in MCP plans for a replacement vehicle and will talk with Bryan Balch, our Executive Director.

Dave Pitman Report

Dave requests each member of TAT send an E-Mail to Senator Barbara Boxer urging her to lead the way in making roads safe for all users (Complete Streets).

Pedestrian facilities during the hour around sunset can as much as quadruple from normal rates during the weeks after Daylight savings time in the fall.

It's high time for a "complete streets" policy that ensures safe road access for everyone - including pedestrians, bicyclists, wheelchair users, and others. Congress can make complete streets part of the new federal transportation bill, which would be a huge step towards making our roads safe all year!

The group empowered Dave to write a letter to Barbara Boxer in our name regarding timely legislation for Complete Streets.

Group Discussion on Encouraging more bike riding

Do a local survey on bike riding, bike trails, bike routes.
Evaluate routes for safety.
See if there is an interest in establishing a local bike shop
See if there is interest in a regular bike repair day for kids in area
Hold a bicycle forum
Explore Lesher Grant feasibility

Discussion on SCUFI, Sustainable Commercial Urban Farm Incubator: SCUFI offers training for Concord residents in planning and operating an urban farm. It will bring healthy food choices to the community and support other related businesses. Monument residents would eat healthier because of the fresh produce produced nearby. Sign Ups for the SCUFI training which starts in January are encouraged. Call the Chavez Center.

The SCUFI BART Project:
Preliminary design has begun on two sites suitable for SCUFI projects, the 7 acre BART site between San Miguel Road and Monument Blvd. The SCUFI project at the BART site has passed BART Design Review and is ready for a meeting with the City Planners.

The Bulge Community Garden Project:
The 1.8 acre site called "The Bulge" is located at the end of Mayette Ave. near the Walnut Creek Channel on land owned by Contra Costa County. The Bulge parcel, which has an opportunity for a community garden, is included in the Counties Iron Horse Trail Improvement project. Our committee members are currently researching utility easements and other information, for the Bulge project, in preparation for a Februay 2nd. presentation to the Iron Horse Corridor Management Program Advisory Committee (IHCMPAC).

* Dave's presentation on Complete Streets and letter to Sen. Boxer
* Eric representing bikers
* Good discussions

Could Be Improved
* More attendees
* Kingdom Riders representative needed

* Evaluate TAT efforts in 2010
* Plan goals for 2011
* Monument Trail updates from Ray Kuzbari, City Transportation Manager
* Update on community funding opportunities for the Monument Trail Project.
* Invite Kathy to give update on the progress of SCUFI projects at the Bulge and on the BART site.
* MTC Public Participation Plan, How will the community become involved?


January 20, 2011, at the Keller House, 1760 Clayton Road, Concord, CA

Transportation Action Team Vision Statement: By the year 2015 The Monument Transportation Action Team will have planned and implemented a "local" transportation system that will serve all residents of the Monument area who need it. It will be affordable, sustainable, safe, coordinated, environmentally sound, and get riders and walkers where they need to go in a reasonable time

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Complete Streets Legislation

Tell Senator Boxer to make “complete streets” part of the new federal transportation bill! Senator Boxer heads the powerful Environment and Public Works Committee that is writing the federal transportation bill.

Complete Streets are needed to ensure that all users of the transportation system, including pedestrians, bicyclists, transit users, children, older individuals, and individuals with disabilities, are able to travel safely and conveniently on and across streets and highways.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

October 21 Meeting

Monument Community Partnership
Meeting Minutes
Date: Oct. 21, 2010
Time: 7:15 pm
Place: Keller House, 1760 Clayton Road, Concord, CA 94520

Facilitator: Mary Lou Laubscher
Secretary: Bruce Lyon

WELCOME: ROLL CALL: Kathy Renfrow, Dave Pitman, Mary Lou Laubscher, Wes Laubscher, Bruce Lyon, Catalina Wright, Bryan Balch, Laura Jean Pearson.

Laura Jean, a bicycle and roller blade enthusiast, joined us this meeting.
Bryan Balch joined the meeting and shared his idea for Pedi Cabs.
Dave Pitman mentioned his work to promote Bed Bug awareness on his web site.
Catalina shared a touching story about her son’s puppy.
Wes shared a story about saving a kitten.

Pedestrian and Bicycle Safety:
Laura Jean commented positively about the pedestrian and sidewalk improvements on Monument Blvd. The new color concrete sidewalks add some character to the Monument and improve the visibility of pedestrian walk ways. She also commented about her experience with pot holes and hazardous sidewalk surfaces throughout the City while roller blading. Bryan Balch mentioned that disabled persons using wheel chairs, seniors, and mothers with strollers also have difficulty with poor sidewalk surface quality. Laura also commented about the need for a sidewalk/pedestrian bicycle access across Willow Pass Road because of threatening conditions and fast traffic. Laura Jean also mentioned her Idea of a Paseo or including a special path for bicycles and pedistrians along Monument Blvd.
Pedi Cabs:
Bryan Balch indicated his support for Pedi Cabs, and a bicycle shop and related business to provide economic opportunities for residents of the Monument Corridor. Pedi cabs are three wheeled bicycles modified to accommodate passengers, or urban farm products and include advertizing that could support businesses along the monument. Drivers on their way through town would be attracted to stop at various businesses, to shop, dine out, and otherwise enjoy the character of a pedestrian friendly environment. The Pedi cabs would add to the character, offer an opportunity for photo’s and advertize local business.
Mary Lou mentioned that she envisions the Senior Action Team and other senior groups enjoying outings in the Pedi Cabs. They might also go to the Concord Senior Center for free lunches.
Kathy Renfrow commented on the amount of time and community involvement necessary to achieve improvements to pedestrian and bicycle safety. Mary Lou also suggested an idea for a community celebration to honor the effort to improve the sidewalks and bicycle pathways. Kathy also spoke about the importance of participating in the MTC Public Participation Plan because there are grant opportunities to support community involvement.
SCUFI, Sustainable Commercial Urban Farm Incubator: SCUFI offers training for Concord residents in planning and operating an urban farm. The farmers would earn enough to make a middle class living, provide healthy food choices to the community and support other related businesses. Monument residents would eat healthier because of the fresh produce produced nearby.

The Splash Park at Meadow Homes Park on Sunshine Drive: The City of Concord has prepared a Landscape Plan design for a Splash Park for youth at Meadow Homes Park.

The SCUFI BART Project:
Preliminary design has begun on two sites suitable for SCUFI projects, the 7 acre BART site between San Miguel Road and Monument Blvd. The SCUFI project at the BART site has passed BART Design Review and is ready for a meeting with the City Planners.

The Bulge Community Garden Project:
The 1.8 acre site called “The Bulge” is located at the end of Mayette Ave. near the Walnut Creek Channel on land owned by Contra Costa County. The Bulge parcel, which has an opportunity for a community garden, is included in the Counties Iron Horse Trail Improvement project. Our committee members are currently researching utility easements and other information, for the Bulge project, in preparation for a future presentation to the Iron Horse Corridor Management Program Advisory Committee (IHCMPAC).

The Bed Bug awareness meeting is October 28, 2010 from 6:30pm to 8:30 pm at Meadow Homes Elementary School, 1371 Detroit Ave, Concord. There will be a presentation in Spanish.

The HEAL meeting is scheduled for Friday October 22, 2010 from 3:00pm to 5:00pm

A SCUFI meeting is scheduled for Friday October 22, 2010 from 6:00pm to 8:00pm with special guest presenter James Kalin with Virtually Green. James Kalin is an expert and leader in promoting sustainable urban farming. He is the consultant for our local SCUFI trainings and gardening spaces.

It was great to see and hear the progress on the Community Gardens Projects.

  • Monument Trail updates from Ray Kuzbari and Jeff Rogers from the city if new information is available.
  • Update on community funding opportunities for the Monument Trail Project.
  • Update on the progress of SCUFI projects at the Bulge and on the BART site.
  • MTC Public Participation Plan, How will the community become involved?
  • Monument Blvd Urban Design Plan and Design Guidelines: Will the City move forward on the process?


November 18, 2010 at 7:00pm, at the Keller House, 1760 Clayton Road, Concord, CA


Transportation Action Team Vision Statement: By the year 2015 The Monument Transportation Action Team will have planned and implemented a “local” transportation system that will serve all residents of the Monument area who need it. It will be affordable, sustainable, safe, coordinated, environmentally sound, and get riders and walkers where they need to go in a reasonable time.